resources involved


years of training

Our Client

One of Italy’s largest banking institutions.

Needs Analysis

There was the need to create a new mindset for both managers and professionals that would provide useful tools to better manage stress and act in different ways when approaching situations, starting from the awareness of how the quality of thoughts can influence reality.

Our solution

With the aim of fostering the creation of a new mindset and perhaps positive thinking, we thought of involving the population in classroom training sessions.

Project development

We carried out training days with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of people’s working lives through the acquisition of tools related to the development of positive thinking. The classroom intervention was based, on the one hand, on the acquisition of the main theories related to the functioning of the mind and thoughts taken from the latest neuroscience research. On the other hand, we worked in actual gyms, where people were able to experience the real influence of thoughts on their psycho-physical energy.

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